Harassment Policy - updated Spring 2022

Harassment is extremely harmful and having severe, long-term consequences for many young people. Harassment has a negative impact on victims’ self-esteem, leading to a decrease in general well being, the ability to learn and thrive, as well as competitiveness. This impact can be long lasting, even after the victim is no longer subject to Harassment. We can all agree that Harassment affects healthy relationships, can impact the culture of the Chatham Skating Club and is unwanted.
This Policy seeks to clarify the CSC position on harassment and sets out the consequences of engaging in this prohibited behaviour. All skaters, parents, guardians, coaches, and volunteers are expected to be familiar with this Policy and to comply with its requirements.
Within CSC, harassment is typically defined as any form of repetitive, persistent, aggressive behaviour directed at one or more individual(s) and is intended to cause, or should be known to cause, fear, distress, and/or harm to another person’s body, feelings, self- esteem, or reputation. Harassment can take the form of but is not limited to, physical violence (e.g. hitting or pushing), verbal abuse (e.g. name-calling, mockery, or making sexist or racist comments), spreading of rumours, maliciously excluding a person(s) from a group, as well as teasing, threatening, or humiliating a person(s). It can also occur through the use of technology, such as email, instant messaging, and social media.
Harassment will not be tolerated by any person, including adults, parents, coaches, and skaters, in any form within the CSC. This includes on the ice, in the change rooms, in the rink lobby, in the boardroom, and at all club activities. Bullying will also not be tolerated in other circumstances (e.g. online or outside the rink) where there is a negative and visible impact on the person at the CSC.
Any person subject to this policy and who is subjected to harassment should inform their parent(s)/guardian(s) and coach(es) immediately. A letter of complaint should also be sent to the President of the CSC. Any person observing an incident of bullying should report the matter to the President of the CSC.
Any CSC coach who witnesses a skater appearing to bully any other person at the CSC is empowered to remove the skater from their session immediately and must report the incident to the President for subsequent investigation and action. Upon receiving a report of alleged harassment, the CSC will undertake an investigation appropriate in the circumstances.
Any person subject to this policy found to have harassed any other person at the CSC may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including having their CSC membership permanently revoked.
First disciplinary response – any person in violation of this policy will be barred from attending their regularly scheduled skating programs and any Club events for a period of one (1) week. No refund or credit will be issued for this lost ice time. The person will also be required to meet with their parent(s), coach(es), the President (as applicable), at which point this Policy will be reviewed, and a caution will be given that any future incidents will result in further disciplinary action.
Second disciplinary response – any person in violation of this policy will be subject to further discipline at the discretion of the President, including the immediate and permanent revocation of their CSC membership. Please note that any revocation of membership will be subject to approval from the CSC Board of Directors. In the event that membership is not revoked, the disciplinary actions will not be any less severe than those for the second offence. No refund or credit will be issued for any lost time.
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