Conflict Resolution
Chatham Skating Club Conflict Resolution Policy
The Chatham Skating Club designed this policy as a guideline in demonstrating our commitment to resolving differences in a fair, equitable, and timely manner. The CSC is committed to the techniques of negotiation, facilitation, mediation and arbitration as effective ways to resolve disputes. This process will be followed with the goal to resolve disputes between members, directors, coaches and parents by encouraging members, directors, coaches, and parents to resolve conflicts and promote kind-heartedness through direct dialogue wherever possible, before following the formal resolution process.
Complaints and concerns regarding your skating experience should be directed according to the following guidelines.
Individual/Informal Level
In the case of a dispute among members, directors, coaches or parents, individuals involved are encouraged to make every effort to resolve the dispute amongst themselves.
Where reasonable efforts have failed to resolve the conflict, a request may be made in writing to the Board of Directors for assistance in resolving the dispute, such request to be made within 15 days of the event in question.
Facilitation Level
The Board may wish to provide an opportunity for the parties to meet with the President or designate(s) who can facilitate further dialogue between the parties toward a resolution. Within 3 days of receiving the request, the President will ensure that the parties have an agreed upon date to meet with the facilitator. (The Board may wish to bring in a facilitator from outside the Club depending upon circumstances.)
If these efforts do not result in a satisfactory outcome, the complainant may provide the President with a written formal complaint, within 10 days of the facilitation effort. (Use a form to capture pertinent information and for consistency.)
Committee/Formal Level
The President receives the written formal complaint and refers the matter to the Conflict Resolution Committee, ensuring that there is no conflict of interest with the committee representatives.
The President or CRC Chair provides acknowledgement of receipt in writing to both parties, within 3 days, as follows:
Written notification to the individual making the complaint, as well as copy of the complaint, against whom (the respondent) the claim has been made.
Respondent asked to respond in writing to the conflict resolution committee.
Committee to collect information and investigate through appropriate means, including affording either or both of the parties an opportunity to present in-person.
Summarize the facts and note any contradictory facts.
Consider the facts and consult resources where applicable.
Inform the parties that the committee has completed its review of the complaint and will be making recommendations to the Board as to outcomes, and that notification of the Board’s decision will be provided in writing to both parties by a specified date which should be within 15 days of the initial receipt of the written complaint.
At the next regularly scheduled Board of Directors meeting, or at a special meeting of the Board (if necessary to meet the 15 day window), the committee will present the case to the Board of Directors with their findings and recommendations for resolution.
Board of Director/Decision Level
The Board of Directors upon receipt and review of the Conflict Resolution Committees’ findings may choose to dismiss the complaint or render a decision.
Each of the Complainant and Respondent will be notified in writing of the Boards decision of dismissal of the complaint or results of restrictions or penalties as deemed fit.
Potential Outcomes / Consequences
It is important that a fair and reasonable outcome be reached relative to the nature of the event in question. To that end, options that provide a graduated response may prove helpful.
- Written clarification of perceived misunderstanding or explanation of expectations, guidelines, rules, or policies and their application under the circumstances.
- Written expectations regarding similar situations should they arise in future.
- Written caution to either or both parties as necessary, to cease and desist the (named) behaviour that led to the initial complaint, subject to further sanction if they do not comply.
- Suspension or Termination of Club Membership / Contract may be deemed appropriate in cases of serious misconduct, and the Board of Directors reserves the right to exercise these options if the circumstances are deemed to warrant.
In situations of significant misconduct, the Board shall reference Skate Canada’s National Complaints Procedure to determine whether the matter should be referred to Skate Canada’s Review Officer.